Altrincham and Sale West


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): Signed


Connor Rand (Labour Party):

I believe that our next Government must repair our international relationships, fulfil our international obligations and always stand up for our fundamental values of human rights and democracy around the world. Whilst the UK visa scheme was a positive step, we must do much more to support people who have arrived from Hong Kong to the UK. If elected as the next Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West, I look forward to working with the local Hong Kong community and doing all I can to support and enhance the exceptional contribution they make to our area and to advocate for them in the next Government when decisions are made.

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party):

I am proud that Britain has been a beacon of freedom for Hong Kongers wishing to escape the repression of the PRC government in recent years. I will unequivocally and resolutely stand up for Hong Kong people in the UK, who should be free from intimidation. The UK must not tolerate infringements on our sovereignty from overseas police stations, the abuse of diplomatic missions, or other interference which seeks to repress British Citizens in their own country – that includes BNO citizens who belong here and are as British as I am.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

We must always stand up for our core values of free speech and democracy and work to protect those who have settled in the UK from repression and surveillance. Intimidation is never acceptable and I support Vote for Hong Kong’s call for a central agency to tackle transnational repression.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party):

We should not hold back or hesitate from sanctioning any individual who is involved in breaching the Sino British Joint Declaration, the Basic Law, the principle of One Country, Two Systems, or the fundamental legal rights of Hong Kong people. Britain owes a historical debt to Hong Kong on which we must not turn our backs.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

We must take action against Chinese individuals and firms who are responsible for human rights abuses and always take a bold and robust approach in defending human rights on the international stage. I support the Labour Party’s proposal for a full audit of the UK-China relationship.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 


Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Yes, I support shutting down Confucius Institutes. Campuses and particularly at risk students must be defended against foreign interferences.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

The BNO passport and the UK’s extension of residency rights to BNO holders is a legal right to reside in the UK which should be recognised by the HK authorities and under the trust deed of the MPF funds must accordingly be released. Any interference in Hong Kongers’ rights to these funds must be resisted and the UK government must take this up at the highest possible levels. If necessary, MPF investments in the UK or over which the UK has any jurisdiction should be subject to legal restriction unless and until funds are released according to Hong Kongers’ proper entitlement.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Yes, we must support Hong Kongers their pension contributions and other payments withheld from them out of spite.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

To the extent that professional qualifications are not already recognised in the UK, we must immediately pass relevant regulations and legislation to enable those who are qualified to carry out professional activities in HK, to do so in the UK. BNO citizens are British and should be treated as such – that goes for the job market as well as for legal and social/civic rights.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

A good quality, well paid job is a transformational thing. As the Party of working people, Labour has always understood that. We need significant skills reform and the creation of Skills England to help people access the job market at the right level, alongside supporting businesses through our Small Business Plan, growing our economy and making work pay.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

The conservative party has presided over the largest ever increase in spending on our NHS – but the effect of the pandemic has left considerable demand in our health service which we have yet to properly resolve. We need to bring an end to doctors’ strikes in a responsible way, and improve access to primary care and GPs. This is why I have been campaigning for the full re-opening of Altrincham Hospital which shamefully (under Labour-led management) lies partially empty and unused despite pressures on the service. On crime, we need more visible policing – we have recruited thousands of new police officers into Greater Manchester Police, but they must have the powers they need to enforce the law without fear or favour.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Our NHS is broken and facing the worst crisis in its history, with record high waiting lists and low patient satisfaction. Severe staffing shortages are impacting many services and have led to Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit being unable to reopen, as well as long waiting lists at Wythenshawe and Trafford General. We need a Labour Government to save our National Health Service, with people able to get a doctors appointment or a dentist appointment when they need one, by moving to a prevention-led approach and harnessing the power of technology.

We have less police on our streets than we did 14 years ago. Labour’s pledge to recruit more neighbourhood police officers and have more visible patrolling will ensure we can crack down on crime and anti-social behaviour.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Altrincham and Sale West constituency here.

Last updated: 3/7/2024


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