Epsom and Ewell


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party): Signed

Helen Maguire (Liberal Democrats): Signed


Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I can assure you that these issues mean a great deal to me. I was born in Hong Kong in 1988 and lived there until 1990; I then went to school there again from 1998 to 2000, and have been back to visit numerous times since. I learned to use chopsticks as a child before I learned to use a knife and fork, and spoke good Mandarin as a child, while my parents spoke some Cantonese. It is one of my favourite places in the world, and I am very proud to have been able to call it home. I have been extremely saddened by developments in Hong Kong in recent years, as China's influence becomes more pervasive. My younger sister was almost teargassed during the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong in 2019, where she was working at the time; I know how serious the situation is.

Finally, I have already said that, if elected, I intend to take one more trip to Hong Kong shortly thereafter so I can effectively "say goodbye" - as I intend to take such a strong tone on the wellbeing of Hong Kongers that I know I will be targeted by the Chinese authorities myself, and may not be able to return. That makes me extremely sad, as I consider Hong Kong to be my dual homeplace, but I consider it my moral duty to do my best for the Hong Kongers who gave me such a happy home as a child. I promise you that there is no candidate in Epsom and Ewell, or even in the rest of the UK, who will do more for Hong Kong than I intend to.

Policy Questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I believe China to be the greatest threat to the national security of the UK, and to the security of the West in general. I hope to see the National Security and Investment Act used to prevent investment in our critical infrastructure by Chinese companies linked to the CCP.

I would want to see people acting on behalf of China placed under the enhanced tier under the National Security Act, and would also like to see a "foreign interference watchdog" established in the UK, to allow government, industry and the academic sector to work together to address vulnerabilities.

The protection of Hong Kongers in the UK is of paramount importance to me, and I am a firm supporter of the BNO visa scheme. We should continue to ensure there is no cap to the BNO visa scheme, and ensure that local authorities have funding specifically ringfenced to ensure the successful integration of Hong Kongers in UK communities.

The recent death of Matthew Trickett was of serious concern. We must forcibly close China's "administrative services centres" in the UK, which in fact appear to act as clandestine police stations. MI5 resources should be increasingly targeted on Chinese activities, and any individual or entity linked with a threat to Hong Kongers in the UK should be subject to strict sanctions.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I am an anti-corruption lawyer by trade, and within that remit I specialise in sanctions law. I believe that malicious Chinese actors should be subject to a much greater range of sanctions, preventing them from being able to travel to the UK, and freezing their assets, as has been implemented in relation to Russia since the invasion of Ukraine. I intend to use my professional expertise to pursue such policies in Parliament, if fortunate enough to be elected.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I disagree with the u-turn on Confucius Institutes in the UK, and believe they should be closed immediately, as they are so closely tied to the CCP and China's Ministry of Education. Sweden has closed all of its Confucius Institutes, and there is therefore no reason why we cannot do the same.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I believe that Hong Kong immigrants should have access to their Mandatory Provident Fund savings, and would intend to lobby HSBC - which holds around 30% of the total value of all MPF schemes - to release those savings in the first instance, while also trying to reach consensus with the Mandatory Provident Fund Authority. Hongkongers in the UK deserve to feel financially secure, and have access to the funds to which they are entitled.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

I have spent a lot of time speaking to Hongkongers in Epsom - including teachers and nurses - about how difficult it has been for them to transfer to similar jobs in the UK. I think the process for applying for the requisite qualifications needs to be streamlined, and Hong Kong qualifications should be perceived to be equivalent to UK qualifications in the teaching and medical fields.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crime in local communities

Mhairi Fraser (Conservative Party):

It was the previous Conservative MP in Epsom and Ewell, Chris Grayling, who successfully campaigned to save Epsom Hospital when it was at risk of being closed under a Labour government - I will continue in the tradition of fighting to retain NHS services in Epsom, and at a national level I believe that we should reduce waste in the NHS and ensure that the majority of funding is diverted to front line services and those who deliver them.

Tackling crime has consistently been one of my top local priorities, and I have already been in discussions with the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner about having a more visible police presence on our streets, which I believe to be the best deterrent to crime.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Epsom and Ewell constituency here.

Last updated: 3/7/2024


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