Reading West and Mid Berkshire


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Adrian Abbs (Independent): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

As China moved to a more aggressive diplomatic stance along with a very rapid increase in military size and sophistication it has become clear that the Chinese state has weaponised capitalism and is using every leaver possible against the west.

The UK should be the loudest voice in the removal of the freedoms enjoyed Hong Kong using every possible lever. We must disconnect as much as possible economically with the Chinese state as Western Funds are enabling what the Chinese state is dong.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

There should be no acceptance of anyone involved in this activity. Any lever possible should be used to push back on this.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

If the evidence is clear then I don’t see any reason why they should remain open.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

Pressure on the banks involved is something we should be able to do and so yes we should be helping here.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

All immigrants should have this . Not doing so wastes talent that is needed.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Adrian Abbs (Independent):

Who designs the processes is key. For me it is doctors and nurses and then have the administrators enable those processes. The funding can then be set to support the improved processes. The same is true of crime. The experts design what’s needed. Politicians work out how to fund what’s needed through tax etc.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Reading West and Mid Berkshire constituency here.

Last updated: 1/7/2024


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