St Albans


Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrats):

Liberal Democrats stand with the people of Hong Kong, and I was delighted to join the Hong Kong symposium in Parliament just a few weeks before the General Election was called.

Many Hong Kongers have suffered grave persecution at the hands of the Chinese Regime.

With repeated reports of police brutality, the UK has a moral and legal duty to stand with Hong Kongers and ensure no one is left behind to suffer under the Chinese Communist Party.

For too long the UK government has failed in its duty under the Joint Declaration and international law to preserve Hong Kong’s democracy and human rights.

The government can make no more excuses – it is time for the UK to step up, lead and take action. The UK government must step up and hold China to account. Now is the time for the UK to consider taking China to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over its disregard for its obligations in international law.

The UK must impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on those individuals in Hong Kong and China who are responsible for human rights abuses in the peninsula. That must include Magnitsky sanctions and taking China to the International Court of Justice.

The UK Government must conduct an audit of UK-based assets owned by Hong Kong officials involved in the crackdown, and should consider declaring Hong Kong as no longer autonomous - and review whether it should continue to receive preferential customs status - until fundamental liberties are restored.

Liberal Democrats are urging the government to ensure no one is left behind. Gaps in the British National Overseas (BNO) visa scheme must be plugged - to give Hong Kongers a lifeboat if they need it.

Liberal Democrats would ensure that Hong Kongers in the UK are given the support they need - including guaranteeing an expansion of funding for the BNO Integration Scheme, and ensuring that Hong Kongers’ needs are met, including proper mental health support and English language support where appropriate.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the St Albans constituency here.

Last updated: 1/7/2024


Harrow West


Cities of London and Westminster