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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Greenwich and Woolwich


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Chris Annous (Liberal Democrats): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Greenwich and Woolwich constituency here.

Last updated: 4/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Islington South and Finsbury


Emily Thornberry (Labour Party):

I’m afraid as a member of the Shadow Cabinet I am unable to sign up to campaign pledges. However, I want to reassure you that I am strongly supportive of the rights and freedoms of Hong Kongers, as defined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and defended those rights vociferously during my time as Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary. That’s why I am delighted that Labour has committed in our manifesto to standing with and supporting those who have relocated from Hong Kong to the UK under the British National (Overseas) visa scheme.

As our manifesto clearly states:

After 14 years of damaging Conservative inconsistency over China, Labour will bring a long term and strategic approach to managing our relations. We will co-operate where we can, compete where we need to, and challenge where we must. We will improve the UK’s capability to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses through an audit of our bilateral relationship. We will always act in our interests and defend our sovereignty and our democratic values. We will stand with and support members of the Hong Kong community who have relocated to the UK.

It's an honour to have represented Islington South and Finsbury for the past nineteen years, and during that time I have always tried to speak up for residents and our progressive, inclusive values. This election is a choice between a fresh start with Labour or five more years of Tory cruelty, sleaze, and incompetence. I hope that I can count on your vote to bring about the change that Britain desperately needs.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Islington South and Finsbury constituency here.

Last updated: 2/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Harrow West


Gareth Thomas (Labour and Co-operative Party):

I am proud of the role the Labour Party has played in welcoming Hong Kongers to the UK, and in urging the Government to amend the rules governing British National (Overseas) (BNO) passports, allowing a pathway for BNO passport holders to UK citizenship and providing hope for a new life here.
I have made a video relating to Hong Kong and Hong Kongers in the UK, setting out my position and the campaigning work I have done on this issue.
You can see the video here:

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Harrow West constituency here.

Last updated: 1/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Cities of London and Westminster


Rachel Blake (Labour Party):

I do support Hongkongers - in their pursuit of freedom and democracy; in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Cities of London and Westminster constituency here.

Last updated: 1/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024



I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Ameet Jogia (Conservative Party): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Hendon constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Chipping Barnet


Theresa Villiers (Conservative Party):

The Conservatives have consistently stood up for the people of Hong Kong, called out violations of their rights and freedoms, and holding China to its international obligations.

We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference.

Following the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in Beijing adopting a wide-ranging National Security Law (NSL) for Hong Kong in June 2020, the UK Government assessed the legislation and found that its enactment constituted a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. China is tarnishing its international reputation and undermining Hong Kong's long-term stability. It has not only breached its international obligations to the UK under the Joint Declaration, but its promises to the people of Hong Kong under its own laws.

I welcomed the three decisive steps taken directly by the UK so far. These are extending the UK's arms embargo on mainland China to Hong Kong within 20 days of the imposition of NSL; suspending the UK's extradition treaty with Hong Kong; and introducing a new immigration path for British Nationals (Overseas) passport holders –BN(O)s. The UK has now welcomed over 190,000 Hongkongers. 

The Hong Kong authorities should respect rights and freedoms, uphold Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the rule of law, and act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations.

In Government the Conservatives have also imposed sanctions against Chinese government officials for gross human rights violations in Xinjiang. In June 2019, we also restricted the sale of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong.

Lastly I would highlight the influential report I co-authored as a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament which you can find here. This disclosed that the Chinese intelligence agencies target the UK prolifically and aggressively. The ISC called in the report for greater action to protect our national interest and our economy in the face of the security risks posed by China.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Chipping Barnet constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

West Ham and Beckton


Holly Ramsey (Conservative Party):

The Conservatives have consistently stood up for the people of Hong Kong, called out violations of their rights and freedoms, and holding China to its international obligations. I welcome that over 190,000 Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) visas have been granted, and hugely value the fantastic contribution that Hong Kongers are making to our national life. We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK.

We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference. We have also, rightly, raised serious concerns about the new national security legislation passed under article23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong earlier this year, and have been clear that this law has no effect in the UK. The Hong Kong authorities should respect rights and freedoms, uphold Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the rule of law, and act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations. The Conservatives will continue to speak out when China breaches its legally binding agreements and when it breaks its promises to the people of Hong Kong.

The recent pattern of behaviour directed by China against the UK, including cyberattacks, reports of espionage links and the issuing of bounties is not acceptable. The Conservative Government applied sanctions in response to Chinese state-affiliated organisations and individuals targeting malicious cyber campaigns at democratic institutions and parliamentarians in the UK.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the West Ham and Beckton constituency here.

Last updated: 16/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Carshalton and Wallington

Carshalton and Wallington


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

We recognise China as a threat to the UK, something the Conservative Government has failed to do. This extends to our moral and legal duty to protect our nationals, including BN(O) Hong Kongers. We will accept the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s recommendations to safeguard our national interests against hostile action of China.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government should impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who have any part in the oppression in Hong Kong. The UK should also take China to the International Court of Justice for its failure to uphold its part of the treaty.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government needs to audit the funding and special interest of the Confucius Institutes still operating in the UK as a first step. If they are found to be countenance to the national interests of the UK, then legal proceedings should be brought against them.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

As British Nationals, I believe the government should use all legal and diplomatic means to support the Hong Kongers in retrieving the fruit of their labour in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

In my experience in helping some of my Hong Konger constituents to have their qualifications recognised in the UK, I believe that if the qualifications of Hong Kongers become transferable, it will benefit greatly both the Hong Konger community and the UK society.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

We would like to boost the number of GPs nationally by 8,000. Half by recruitment and half by retaining experienced GPs.

We believe that local police forces are best able to determine recruitment and manning. But in general, we believe that there should be more Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) to take policing into the communities. What we can do to help the local police forces is to help their workload by setting up a new national Online Crime Agency to deal with internet crimes and better fund the National Crime Agency to deal with serious and organised crimes.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Carshalton and Wallington constituency here.

Last updated: 10/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Kensington and Bayswater


Joe Powell (Labour Party):

I am extremely supportive of human rights and democracy concerns in regards to Hong Kong, including transnational repression, intimidation and worse. I am glad the UK visa scheme exists, but more must be done to support recent migrants from Hong Kong in the UK, including finding job opportunities and other aspects of settling into a new country. I am well aware of the incredible contribution Hongkongers are already making to their communities, including in Kensington & Bayswater. I look forward to working with the Hong Kong community in future.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Kensington and Bayswater constituency here.

Last updated: 10/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024




I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Paul Kohler (Liberal Democrats): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Wimbledon constituency here.

Last updated: 13/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Sutton and Cheam

Sutton and Cheam


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats): Signed


Chrishni Reshekaron (Labour Party):

I understand the needs of Hongkongers who have migrated to the UK since my family fled our home country of Sri Lanka. I support Hongkongers - in their pursuit of freedom and democracy, in their settlement and integration in the UK.

While I am glad the UK visa scheme exists, more must be done to support recent migrants from Hong Kong in the UK, including finding job opportunities and other aspects of settling into a new country. For several years Labour has consistently been calling for the UK Government to step up and call for concrete measures to push back on the Chinese Government's aggressive encroachment of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Labour have led calls for the expansion of the British National (Overseas) visa scheme to include a pathway to citizenship and have called for the scheme to be opened to younger Hongkongers not previously eligible.

I am aware of the incredible contribution Hongkongers are already making to their communities, including in Sutton and Cheam. I look forward to working with the Hong Kong community in future.

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The Liberal Democrats recognise China as a threat to the UK, something the Conservative Government has failed to do. This extends to our moral and legal duty to protect our nationals, including BN(O) Hong Kongers. We will accept the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s recommendations to safeguard our national interests against hostile action of China.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government should impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who have any part in the oppression in Hong Kong. The UK should also take China to the International Court of Justice for its failure to uphold its part of the treaty.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government needs to audit the funding and special interest of the Confucius Institutes still operating in the UK as a first step. If they are found to be countenance to the national interests of the UK, then legal proceedings should be brought against them.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

As British Nationals, I believe the government should use all legal and diplomatic means to support the Hong Kongers in retrieving the fruit of their labour in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

I have had casework from residents in Sutton and Cheam where Hong Kongers have had challenges getting their qualifications recognised in the UK. If the qualifications of Hong Kongers become transferable, it will benefit greatly both the Hong Konger community and the UK society by allowing new arrivals to support themselves and contribute their skills and experience to our economy.

This is also an issue with children’s school exam results being transferrable, and recognised by local schools, this is an issue that we need to be taking action on to reduce the challenges faced by new arrivals to our communities.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

We would like to boost the number of GPs nationally by 8,000. Half by recruitment and half by retaining experienced GPs.

We believe that local police forces are best able to determine recruitment and manning. But in general, we believe that there should be more Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) to take policing into the communities. What we can do to help the local police forces is to help their workload by setting up a new national Online Crime Agency to deal with internet crimes and better fund the National Crime Agency to deal with serious and organised crimes.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Sutton and Cheam constituency here.

Last updated: 2/7/2024

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