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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Earley and Woodley


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Pauline Jorgensen (Conservative Party): Signed


Yuan Yang (Labour Party):

Having witnessed firsthand the crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong and tightening of free speech in China as a journalist, I stand with Hongkongers who come to the UK in search of vital freedoms. We must do more to ensure that we protect diasporas in the UK from transnational repression and harassment.

I support the BNO visa scheme and support its extension for Hongkongers born after 1997. I also believe we need to act urgently to settle the backlog of asylum cases, including from younger Hongkong activists not currently eligible for the BNO scheme.

As an immigrant myself, I understand the difficulty migrant families face, and believe we should do more to promote integration in the job market, as well as providing better language and counselling support to children in schools. I've already worked with Hongkonger community groups as a journalist, and look forward to continuing to work and advocate for you in future.

Policy questionnaire

Yuan Yang (Labour Party):

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

I believe transnational repression by authoritarian states is one of the biggest national security threats that we are yet unequipped to deal with. Hong Kongers who have settled in the UK should be defended against intrusion and surveillance, and should be supported in exercising their freedom of speech without fear. I support Vote for Hong Kong’s call for a central agency to tackle transnational repression.

As a former Financial Times journalist, I’ve written groundbreaking news stories about the extent of transnational repression facing Uyghur Muslim and Hong Kong activists in the UK. As a former journalist based in Beijing, my family and I have also been subjected to state surveillance and attempted intimidation, and so I am extremely well-placed to understand this issue.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

I oppose the proposal, described in a briefing circulated by David Cameron’s office, to “indefinitely” pause sanctions against Chinese firms accused of human rights abuses. We need to have a consistent policy whenever we decide to take the bold move to sanction foreign officials or foreign companies, and so I support the Labour Party’s proposal for a full audit of the UK-China relationship.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Students in British universities have raised concerns over surveillance and influence enacted by Chinese government-linked actors in their campuses. We have to defend campuses against foreign interference, and in particular to defend particularly at-risk students, such as those from the Uyghur, Tibetan, Chinese and Hong Kong diasporas.

There are many things we should do to tackle on-campus interference. We are currently woefully inadequate when it comes to dealing with transnational repression. University staff as well as local police forces need to be properly trained on the topic.

As well as making sure our policing system is well-equipped to deal with transnational repression, we also have to make sure campuses are welcoming to foreign students, providing an attractive counter-offer to Chinese embassy-sponsored events, and creating open, friendly, well-integrated spaces for Chinese students overseas. We should also advance Chinese language education, including in the Cantonese language, outside of Confucius Institutes to build up that attractive counter-offer.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

The Chinese government’s decision to withhold Mandatory Provident Fund payments from Hong Kongers in Britain is purely retaliatory. It holds hostage the economic security of tens of thousands of people. The British government should scrutinise banks operating here, in particular HSBC, and question them on why they have not granted Hong Kongers the pension contributions that they are owed.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Ensuring everyone has access to well-paying, good work is a core tenet of the Labour Party’s economic mission. I know personally, from my own family’s experience of immigration to the UK in the early 1990s, that it is tremendously difficult for new arrivals to find work commensurate with their skills. I’ve spoken to local Hong Kongers in Reading as well as to national Hong Kong community groups about forming policy to improve this. A lack of UK work experience is often cited by Hong Kongers as a barrier, but it should not remain so.

The Labour Party is committed to reforming the broken system of apprenticeships, to help people get on the first rung of the ladder of work experience. Companies should report data on hiring by ethnicity, so any discrimination or bias in their hiring practices can be seen and addressed. Businesses will benefit from extending opportunities to the many talented and educated workers who are arriving in our country.

We should also work with professional standard-setting bodies to better translate qualifications gained in Hong Kong to British-recognised qualifications, so that we can better absorb the diverse skills of new arrivals.

And finally, we should support the entrepreneurial spirit of Hong Kongers through lowering the barriers to gaining credit for newcomers, and supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises that are the engine of local economies.

Getting our economy back on track is the most fundamental thing the Labour Party plans to achieve to enable all of these aspirations. We have had over a decade of wage and growth stagnation under the current government and we desperately need a fresh start for our economy.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Doctors and nurses have told me that the NHS was at peak performance when the last Labour government left office in 2010. But after fourteen years of underinvestment in our healthcare system, waiting lists are at record lengths.

The Labour Party built the NHS and will always back the NHS. Reforming the NHS is one of our five national missions. We will do this through providing more diagnostic and preventative care in the community, to catch illnesses early and make our system smarter and more efficient. We’ll also extend out-of-hours capacity in GP surgeries to cut down the backlog. Finally, our focus on mental health, and providing counseling in schools, will support young people going through difficult transitions, including the challenge of moving to a new neighborhood.

Neighbourhood police patrols, too, have been cut after over a decade of austerity in local services. The government’s decision in 2014 to not prosecute shoplifting of amounts under £200 has led to increasing levels of crime on high streets. Labour would bring back neighbourhood police patrols.

Finally, much of our current wave of crime is also a result of the cost of living crisis and the deepening poverty in our society. We need a change of government and a Labour Party that can return us to sensible economic governance and a fairer, better economy for all.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Earley and Woodley constituency here.

Last updated: 25/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024



I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Dean Russell (Conservative Party): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

The Chinese and Hong Kong authorities can be in no doubt about the seriousness of UK concerns and those of the international community. I also welcome the three decisive steps taken directly by the UK - extending the arms embargo on mainland China to Hong Kong within 20 days of the imposition of NSL, suspending our extradition treaty with Hong Kong and introducing a new immigration path for BNO passport holders. Attempting to silence voices globally that speak up for freedom and democracy will never succeed.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

The Government has been clear that it is taking action to remove any government funding from Confucius Institutes in the UK, but I understand that it currently judges that it would be disproportionate to ban them.

They should operate transparently, and with a full commitment to our values of openness and freedom of expression. Universities have a responsibility to ensure that any partnership with a Confucius Institute is managed appropriately, and the right due diligence is in place. The Government takes any concerns extremely seriously regarding the operation of international organisations at UK education providers.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

The Government firmly opposes the MPF’s discrimination against British National (Overseas) status holders (BN(O)s) and we will continue to urge the Hong Kong authorities and all relevant bodies to facilitate early drawdown of funds for BN(O)s as is the case for other Hong Kong residents who move overseas permanently.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

Finding high quality employment is a priority for all communities, and here in Watford we have companies in pretty much every sector and lots of opportunities for people looking to enter the workforce, secure a better job or take on a new challenge. I will continue to run my annual Jobs Fair alongside the Job Centre Plus to help pair the right candidates with available positions. Since 2010 there are 10,400 more people in Watford in employment.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Dean Russell (Conservative Party):

I believe that the NHS is our proudest achievement as a nation, and I am delighted that at a local level I have been able to secure the full funding for the rebuild of Watford General.

In recent years there have been incredible advances at Watford General, such as creating the UK’s first virtual hospital, and the installation of two surgery robots, achievements I was proud to support. Successive Conservative governments have increased the NHS budget by over a third in real terms since 2010. The NHS budget now stands at £164.9 billion, a 13% increase since 2019. Our plan for the NHS is backed by record funding, the first ever long-term NHS Workforce Plan, new AI technology, record numbers of doctors and nurses, and 160 Community Diagnostic Centres to deliver millions more scans, tests and checks.

I have also secured a new police station for Watford. With the new location being so close to the High Street, foot patrols can be conducted easily, while it is also close to the ring road enabling a rapid vehicle response. Having been on a number of police raids in Watford, I have seen for myself how hard our local police officers work and it is only right that we equip them as best we can to help them in their vital work. New, modern facilities in the heart of town is fantastic news for Watford.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Watford constituency here.

Last updated: 10/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Carshalton and Wallington

Carshalton and Wallington


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

We recognise China as a threat to the UK, something the Conservative Government has failed to do. This extends to our moral and legal duty to protect our nationals, including BN(O) Hong Kongers. We will accept the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s recommendations to safeguard our national interests against hostile action of China.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government should impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who have any part in the oppression in Hong Kong. The UK should also take China to the International Court of Justice for its failure to uphold its part of the treaty.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government needs to audit the funding and special interest of the Confucius Institutes still operating in the UK as a first step. If they are found to be countenance to the national interests of the UK, then legal proceedings should be brought against them.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

As British Nationals, I believe the government should use all legal and diplomatic means to support the Hong Kongers in retrieving the fruit of their labour in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

In my experience in helping some of my Hong Konger constituents to have their qualifications recognised in the UK, I believe that if the qualifications of Hong Kongers become transferable, it will benefit greatly both the Hong Konger community and the UK society.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Bobby Dean (Liberal Democrats):

We would like to boost the number of GPs nationally by 8,000. Half by recruitment and half by retaining experienced GPs.

We believe that local police forces are best able to determine recruitment and manning. But in general, we believe that there should be more Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) to take policing into the communities. What we can do to help the local police forces is to help their workload by setting up a new national Online Crime Agency to deal with internet crimes and better fund the National Crime Agency to deal with serious and organised crimes.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Carshalton and Wallington constituency here.

Last updated: 10/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Kensington and Bayswater


Joe Powell (Labour Party):

I am extremely supportive of human rights and democracy concerns in regards to Hong Kong, including transnational repression, intimidation and worse. I am glad the UK visa scheme exists, but more must be done to support recent migrants from Hong Kong in the UK, including finding job opportunities and other aspects of settling into a new country. I am well aware of the incredible contribution Hongkongers are already making to their communities, including in Kensington & Bayswater. I look forward to working with the Hong Kong community in future.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Kensington and Bayswater constituency here.

Last updated: 10/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024




I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(0) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Zöe Franklin (Liberal Democrats): Signed

Sam Peters (Green Party): Signed

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party): Signed


Zöe Franklin (Liberal Democrats):

I can assure you that the Liberal Democrats take the issues impacting Hongkongers and Hong Kong very seriously.

As a party, the Liberal Democrats stand with the people of Hong Kong.

Many Hongkongers have suffered grave persecution at the hands of the Chinese Regime and with the repeated reports of police brutality, the UK has a moral and legal duty to stand with Hongkongers and ensure no one is left behind to suffer under the Chinese Communist Party.

For too long the UK Government has failed in its duty under the Joint Declaration and international law to preserve Hong Kong’s democracy and human rights.

We believe that the Government can make no more excuses – it is time for the UK to step up, lead and take action. The UK Government must step up and hold China to account. Now is the time for the UK to consider taking China to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over its disregard for its obligations in international law.

Now is also the time for the UK to impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on those individuals in Hong Kong and China who are responsible for human rights abuses in the peninsula. That must include Magnitsky sanctions and taking China to the International Court of Justice.

The UK Government must also conduct an audit of UK-based assets owned by Hong Kong officials involved in the crackdown and should consider declaring Hong Kong as no longer autonomous - and review whether it should continue to receive preferential customs status - until fundamental liberties are restored.

We, the Lib Dems, are urging the Government to ensure no one is left behind. Gaps in the British National Overseas (BNO) visa scheme must be plugged - to give Hongkongers a lifeboat if they need it. The UK Government must ensure that Hongkongers in the UK are given the support they need - including guaranteeing an expansion of funding for the BNO Integration Scheme, and ensuring that Hongkongers’ needs are met, including proper mental health support and English language support where appropriate.

For a more general overview of our vision for the future of the UK please see “Our Fair Deal” (What we stand for - Liberal Democrats ( – this document sets five key themes which we regard as essential to achieve what the Liberal Democrats stand for: to give everyone the power to make the most of their potential, and real freedom to decide how they live their lives.

Policy Questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Sam Peters (Green Party):

The growing repression of freedoms in Hong Kong must be opposed by the UK government – not only as a matter of course for any country which claims to care about democracy and human rights, but especially in this case given the shared history of the UK and Hong Kong. It is particularly concerning to see the reach that this repression extends to – even targeting Hongkongers and those believed to be connected to protest or campaign groups abroad, including in the UK. Hongkongers in Hong Kong and worldwide must have the freedom to organise, debate and decide on their own future, safe in the knowledge that global governments will afford them all necessary protections to do so with dignity and human rights upheld.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

Conservatives will stand up for the rights of all people to live here safely and freely. We will not tolerate transnational repression and any attempt by any foreign power to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK.

In Government, the Conservatives have passed new legislation which strengthens the UK's ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference.

The Conservative Government has raised serious concerns about the new national security legislation passed under article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong earlier this year. We are clear that this law has no effect in the UK.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Sam Peters (Green Party):

Any government officials responsible for human rights abuses must be brought to justice. The UK government must impose sanctions – legal, financial, travel and otherwise – firstly to help bring perpetrators to justice if possible, but also to set a strong precedent for the application of consistent international law both inside and outside Hong Kong. The UK loses all credibility if it talks about human rights, democracy and freedom from repression but fails to act when it has the chance to demonstrate these fundamental principles.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

In June 2019, we restricted the sale of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong. In July 2020, we extended the UK's arms embargo with mainland China fully to Hong Kong in response To the National Security Law.

The Conservative Government has imposed sanctions against Chinese government officials for gross human rights violations in Xinjiang.

The Conservative Government has also applied sanctions in response to Chinese state-affiliated organisations and individuals carrying out malicious cyber campaigns targeting democratic institutions and parliamentarians in the UK. We will always defend ourselves from those who seek to threaten the freedoms that underpin our values and democracy.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Sam Peters (Green Party):

The Scottish Green party became the first major UK party to call for the termination of Confucius partnerships in schools and universities in 2021, citing similar concerns that have led to scores of institutes being shut down worldwide. The University of Surrey appears not to have a CI branch, but plenty of other universities around the UK do. The ostensibly benign goals of sharing Chinese language and culture do not justify potential issues of funding, academic freedoms, and more which have been behind the closure of CIs around the world.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

The Government continually updates and assesses the threats posed to our country and our values, including in higher education. We have been clear that Government funding to Confucius Institutes in the UK should be removed, but that it is currently disproportionate to ban them entirely.

Universities have a duty to promote freedom of expression and ensure that due diligence of institutions on-site is conducted. It is crucial that this remains the case with Confucius Institutes.

I will work with Government to ensure that the monitoring of these institutes are kept under constant review and, should it be judged that further action is needed, that it is taken robustly.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Sam Peters (Green Party):

While I cannot profess to have known about the Mandatory Provident Fund or issues with it prior to reading the comprehensive policy brief, the argument for the UK government to assist Hong Kong immigrants to the UK in retrieving their savings is certainly compelling. Freedom from repression must also come with a financial perspective.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

If elected, I will lobby the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to use every power and diplomatic relationship to get these pension funds released.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Sam Peters (Green Party):

The Green Party believes how we treat people who have chosen the UK as their home says a great deal about our values and national character. Greens are proud that we are a country forged by migrants and welcome the economic and societal contributions that immigrants and refugees make to British society. We want to promote social cohesion and support migrants to put down roots, and this includes ensuring that everyone has full opportunity to find suitable work for their skills and talents. We will invest in local councils to better their ability to provide education for immigrants including language skills and converting existing qualifications to those recognised in the UK where applicable, rather than requiring skilled workers into alternative work or to have to take qualifications from scratch despite having all the requisite knowledge.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

The role of an MP is to legislate and to deal with casework for constituents on a range of issues such as immigration, benefits, housing, education and health. Whilst an MP is unable to provide employment seeking assistance, they can direct constituents to the appropriate Services and lobby to Government to ensure the best environment for job creation exists.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Sam Peters (Green Party):

Green Party policy on the NHS and policing/crime are both extremely comprehensive. I will share the ‘headlines’ below, but also encourage a reading of our manifesto which includes large sections on health and policing (available at

On health and the NHS, the Green Party will;

  • Commit to a fully public health service including actively reversing the privatisation and marketisation of the NHS. 3 - Guarantee rapid access to a GP and same-day access in case of urgent need.

  • Make essential dentistry free at the point of use.

  • Address existing health disparities in factors such as race, socioeconomic status, etc.

  • Increase annual expenditure by £8bn in the first year of the next parliament, rising to a total of £28bn in 2030, plus an additional capital spend of at least £20bn over the next five years. Our tax policies, including a wealth tax on billionaires which will bring in over £50bn a year, will be crucial to supporting this funding.

  • Support pay restoration for NHS staff who have faced over a decade of pay freezes and cuts.

  • Put mental health on parity with physical health, and support social care and community care to ensure dignity for all patients while ending the exploitation of migrant workers so often seen in outsourced social/community care settings.

  • Restore local council budgets for public health, and in particular focus on preventative health (much Green policy – for example on insulation, air pollution or active travel – has knock-on benefits for public health already).

On crime, justice and policing, the Green Party will;

  • Focus on the prevention of crime through restoring funding withdrawn from youth services since 2010 and through community-based policing.

  • Invest £11bn in restoring the Ministry of Justice budget over the course of the next parliament, to restore legal aid budgets, ensure that the Criminal Bar is sufficiently well funded, and to repair court buildings.

  • Push to recruit more judges (and ensure that they are representative of wider society), so that defendants are brought to trial quickly in the interests of both victim and the people accused.

  • Expand restorative justice when crimes do take place, both to give victims a voice and to help offenders take responsibility for the harm they have done, in turn reducing recidivism rates alongside a focus on rehabilitation.

  • Push Police Services to acknowledge the institutional bigotry, including racism, that have remained rooted in policing for so long. Services must expel any officers who hold views incompatible with serving as a police officer.

Angela Richardson (Conservative Party):

I know that Hong Kongers pay a Health Surcharge, which can seem expensive, however, the health service we have in the UK is exceptional in how it is free at the point of need and world leading in new technologies and treatments In Guildford, our health service is of the highest quality and I have been working since 2019 to ensure that remains the case.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Guildford constituency here.

Last updated: 14/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024




I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Paul Kohler (Liberal Democrats): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Wimbledon constituency here.

Last updated: 13/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Sutton and Cheam

Sutton and Cheam


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats): Signed


Chrishni Reshekaron (Labour Party):

I understand the needs of Hongkongers who have migrated to the UK since my family fled our home country of Sri Lanka. I support Hongkongers - in their pursuit of freedom and democracy, in their settlement and integration in the UK.

While I am glad the UK visa scheme exists, more must be done to support recent migrants from Hong Kong in the UK, including finding job opportunities and other aspects of settling into a new country. For several years Labour has consistently been calling for the UK Government to step up and call for concrete measures to push back on the Chinese Government's aggressive encroachment of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Labour have led calls for the expansion of the British National (Overseas) visa scheme to include a pathway to citizenship and have called for the scheme to be opened to younger Hongkongers not previously eligible.

I am aware of the incredible contribution Hongkongers are already making to their communities, including in Sutton and Cheam. I look forward to working with the Hong Kong community in future.

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The Liberal Democrats recognise China as a threat to the UK, something the Conservative Government has failed to do. This extends to our moral and legal duty to protect our nationals, including BN(O) Hong Kongers. We will accept the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s recommendations to safeguard our national interests against hostile action of China.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government should impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who have any part in the oppression in Hong Kong. The UK should also take China to the International Court of Justice for its failure to uphold its part of the treaty.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

The UK government needs to audit the funding and special interest of the Confucius Institutes still operating in the UK as a first step. If they are found to be countenance to the national interests of the UK, then legal proceedings should be brought against them.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

As British Nationals, I believe the government should use all legal and diplomatic means to support the Hong Kongers in retrieving the fruit of their labour in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

I have had casework from residents in Sutton and Cheam where Hong Kongers have had challenges getting their qualifications recognised in the UK. If the qualifications of Hong Kongers become transferable, it will benefit greatly both the Hong Konger community and the UK society by allowing new arrivals to support themselves and contribute their skills and experience to our economy.

This is also an issue with children’s school exam results being transferrable, and recognised by local schools, this is an issue that we need to be taking action on to reduce the challenges faced by new arrivals to our communities.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Luke Taylor (Liberal Democrats):

We would like to boost the number of GPs nationally by 8,000. Half by recruitment and half by retaining experienced GPs.

We believe that local police forces are best able to determine recruitment and manning. But in general, we believe that there should be more Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) to take policing into the communities. What we can do to help the local police forces is to help their workload by setting up a new national Online Crime Agency to deal with internet crimes and better fund the National Crime Agency to deal with serious and organised crimes.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Sutton and Cheam constituency here.

Last updated: 2/7/2024

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