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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Sheffield Hallam


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(0) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Jason Leman (Green Party): Signed


Jason Leman (Green Party):

I have indicated my support for the pledge and support its aims. As our manifesto states:

“In a world threatened by war and the rise of authoritarian regimes, the Green Party believes that the UK’s foreign policy should be based on shared commitments to democracy, peace, global solidarity and the protection of human rights.”

In particular, addressing the concerns raised in the V4HK survey:

  • The Green Party supports self-determination for Hong Kong.

  • Elected Green MPs will support sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses.

  • Elected Green MPs will support bills that defend academic freedom to ensure that students can practise their freedom of speech without fear, especially students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Uyghur.

  • The Green Party agrees that the BNO British National Overseas passports should be recognized as a valid travel document and Hongkongers should have British Government support where needed to withdraw their Mandatory Provident Fund.

  • The Green party fully welcomes Hongkongers into UK communities and wishes to see all refugees better supported into employment that reflects their skills.

  • Our manifesto seeks significant investment into the NHS and communities, to support people’s health and wellbeing, improving the quality of life of everyone resident in the UK.

The Green Party believes that working together, we can offer hope and achieve real change.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Sheffield Hallam constituency here.

Last updated: 26/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Bolton West


Phil Brickell (Labour Party):

Britain has a vital role to play in supporting Hong Kongers - both here in the UK and in Hong Kong. We live in increasingly uncertain times and I am supportive of Hong Kongers' rights of freedom of speech, standing up against political persecution and supporting your resettlement in the UK. More needs to be done to support members of the Hong Kong communities across Bolton, Blackrod, Westhoughton and Horwich - with visas, job opportunities and accessing public services. If elected to be the next Member of Parliament for Bolton West, I intend to provide a strong voice for you in Westminster.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Bolton West constituency here.

Last updated: 26/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024


Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Jo White (Labour Party):

If elected I will take a public stance on this issue. I will support the Hong Kong Democracy movement and will campaign for the release of Jimmy Lai and be outspoken on all Chinese attempts to intimidate Hong Kongers and those who are active in the UK.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Jo White (Labour Party):

If elected, I will have no fear in challenging the Chinese government and support the sanctioning of those Chinese and Hong Kong Officials with links to human rights abuses.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Jo White (Labour Party):

Learning languages is an important part of education, and ensuring that children have access to that experience through qualified teachers is crucial. Chinese languages and culture are obviously an important part of the world in which our children will grow up.

However, the current approach to Chinese influence in Britain over the last decade has been naïve, inconsistent and complacent. This is why Labour will take a coherent and levelheaded approach to ensure our schools and universities continue to be the best in the world, but do not want to see any undue influence exercised through them.

If Labour forms the next government, we will conduct an in-depth strategic audit into Chinese influence in Britain and the British Government's approach to China to ensure our country is secure.

We do not want to see programmes that teach children and young people new skills banned, but we need to be alert to where funding, staffing and direction is coming from. This s why we need an in-depth strategic audit into Chinese influence in Britain and the British Government's approach to China, to understand if there is any threat or any reason to take action to ban these programmes.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their MandatoryProvident Fund (MPF)

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Jo White (Labour Party):

If elected I would be very happy to assist as the local Member of Parliament on these issues and will hold a special surgery for Hong Kong immigrants.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Bassetlaw constituency here.

Last updated: 26/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Brighton Pavilion


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(0) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Siân Berry (Green Party): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Siân Berry (Green Party):

Green MPs will always defend democratic, human and civil rights, nationally and internationally, as well as seek to advance the cornerstones of democracy such as human rights law. We are clear that the UK’s foreign policy should be based on shared commitments to democracy, peace, global solidarity and the protection of human rights. It has never been more important to support the rule of law, including the international law that underpins our rights and protects against state aggression, genocide and the inhuman treatment of refugees.

I think the UK should be taking a lead in upholding the right to self-determination and the enforcement of international law – such as by calling out and using mechanisms such as sanctions to tackle transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Siân Berry (Green Party):

YES – Greens understand the impact that boycotts, divestment and sanctions can have when it comes to upholding and advancing eg human rights and we oppose any moves to restrict public bodies using these mechanisms to tackle breaches of international human rights laws. Former Green MP, Caroline Lucas, specifically called for senior members of the Hong Kong Police Force and governing Administration of Hong Kong who approved and permitted breaches of the legitimate right to protest against the introduction of new national security laws to be subject to sanctions, for example.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Siân Berry (Green Party):

I know that Green peer Natalie Bennett has been very active in this campaign and I would do my utmost to echo her leadership if elected.

On education more broadly I also think there’s a strong case for Home Fee status for BNO Hong Kongers after 3 years residency in the UK and thus bringing Hong Kongers into line with other overseas students resident in the UK, such as those from the EU.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Siân Berry (Green Party):

It’s a scandal that Hong Kongers are being denied access to the MPF by HSBC and Standard Chartered – and that documentation provided to British National Overseas passport holders has proven an obstacle to the early draw down of funds. I’d want to call on the new government to use its influence, including with Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee, to assist Honk Kong immigrants to retrieve their funds – and to use levers such as sanctions if required.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Siân Berry (Green Party):

YES – this is a challenge for immigrants from a range of countries. Greens are proud that we are a country forged by migrants. We welcome the economic and societal contributions that immigrants and refugees make to British society – and I’d be happy to work with V4HK to help raise the profile of any discrimination and advocate for equality and justice in the workplace and our economy.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Siân Berry (Green Party):

Greens want to be welcoming, promote social cohesion and support migrants to put down roots – and I understand how access to good NHS services and feeling safe in local communities plays a key role in this.

As well as pledging to fund our national health service properly and tackle problems such as long waiting lists, poor dentistry, public and mental health provision, and improve primary care, it is our policy that access to the NHS should be free and comprehensive for migrants with visas.

Everyone has the right to feel safe - on the street, in their home or online. Simple things like

more police on the beat can make a huge difference and we also want to focus on the prevention of crime through restoring the funding withdrawn from youth services since 2010 and through community-based policing. And we want to rebuild trust and confidence, such as through earning the consent of communities to being policed, especially in communities disillusioned with the police after experiencing decades of disproportionate policing and traumatising tactics like stop and search and the use of force.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Brighton Pavilion constituency here.

Last updated: 26/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024



I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(0) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Lucy Demery (Conservative Party): Signed

Colin Wright (Reform UK): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

There is no place for repression of Hongkongers and we need to morally and effectively support as much as is physically possible with relevant actions to make a substantive difference.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

Sanctions need to hurt, be relevant and be driven through to conclusion.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

These should never have been allowed to be set up and we need to take swift action to remove them forthwith.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

Yes, anything that can be done with an MPs support has my 100% backing.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

Yes Wokingham and surrounding areas are a buoyant area and we should assist in anyway feasible to ensure skills are mirrored to available employment.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Colin Wright (Reform UK):

These are both key priorities that Reform have key strategies to ensure both have the key focus they very sorely need.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Wokingham constituency here.

Last updated: 2/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Leeds South West and Morley


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Andrea Jenkyns (Conservative Party): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Leeds South West and Morley constituency here.

Last updated: 25/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Leeds North West


Mick Bradley (Green Party):

This is new to me but I would expect to support your aims.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Leeds North West constituency here.

Last updated: 25/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Leeds North East


Fabian Hamilton (Labour Party):

I am well aware that the Chinese Government has been persistently undermining the Joint Declaration for some time now and the 'One Country, Two Systems' agreement in Hong Kong is increasingly under threat. For several years Labour has consistently been calling for the UK Government to step up and call for concrete measures to push back on the Chinese Government's aggressive encroachment of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Back in May I met with Hong Kong Watch - an advocacy group for Hong Kongers; in this meeting we discussed BNO visas, MPF, the current political situation in the region, and the state of diplomatic ties between China and the UK. The current state of affairs for Hong Kongers is at the front of my mind, and I know that the Labour Foreign Office Team has a clear plan too.

After 14 years of damaging Conservative inconsistency over China, Labour will bring a long-term and strategic approach to managing our relations. We will co-operate where we can, compete where we need to, and challenge where we must. We will improve the UK's capability to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities China poses through an audit of our bilateral relationship. We will always act in our interests and defend our sovereignty and our democratic values. We will always stand with and support members of the Hong Kong community who have relocated to the UK.

I can assure you that if re-elected on 4th July, I will stand up for the Hong Konger diaspora as best I can in Parliament.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Leeds North East constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Leeds Central and Headingley


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Chris Howley (Liberal Democrats): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Leeds Central and Headingley constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Barnsley North


Tom Heyes (Green Party):

I confess I am not too knowledgeable about Hong Kong but I do support the rights of Hong Kong people under the agreement with China, which I believe are not being properly upheld by China, and their rights to resettle in the UK if they so choose.

The Green Party is the only one you can trust on the climate and biodiversity crisis. We will continue to press for no new oil and gas and a halt to the loss of the natural environment and ecosystems with a just transition globally to a sustainable economy that recognises the historic responsibility of industrialised nations.

Our 2024 General Election Manifesto - Green Party

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Barnsley North constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

York Outer


Luke Charters (Labour Party):

Labour celebrates the significant contribution that the Hong Kong community makes to the UK.

The issuing of arrest warrants for Hong Kong nationals in the UK, is a further demonstration of the deteriorating level of freedom in Hong Kong and a symbol of the Chinese government’s intentions to intimidate those who seek to defend Hong Kong’s freedoms.

Labour have been clear that we would hold the Chinese authorities to account, support those in need in Hong Kong and fully support the integration of Hong Kong BN(O) community to build their lives here in Britain including supporting a clear pathway to citizenship.

We led calls for the expansion of the British National (Overseas) visa scheme to include a pathway to citizenship and have latterly called for the scheme to be opened up to younger Hong Kongers not previously eligible.

On transnational aggression:

Since the increased crackdown on human rights and civil liberties in Hong Kong began, Labour has called for more strident action from the UK Government to both hold the Chinese authorities to account and to support those in need in Hong Kong.

We led calls for the expansion of the British National (Overseas) visa scheme to be opened up to younger Hong Kongers not previously eligible.

While China continues to violate the internationally recognised Sino-British agreement, and further erodes hon’s promised freedoms, there will be a need to support Hong Kongers both here and in Hong Kong itself. Labour fully supports these moves and have argued for there to be further action from the Government.

China has criticised the actions of the British Government in expanding the BN(O) passport/visa scheme, accusing the British Government of interfering in their “internal affairs.”

I hope that the above gives you some comfort over Labour’s policy on this worrying issue. If Luke is elected I am sure he would be delighted to meet you to understand better the issues faced by the Hong Kong community at this difficult time.

Luke is fighting for every vote in this extremely close election, and has received support from the former Green Parliamentary candidate, former Lib Dem councillors, and former Conservative voters.

Luke wants to be a hardworking, local Labour MP for York Outer. We hope you will lend him your support.

Andrew Hollyer (Liberal Democrats):

The Liberal Democrats have been steadfast in our opposition to the persecution of Hong Kongers. We have always stood up for the values of democracy, liberty, human rights and the rule of law.

Specifically on Hong Kong we have promised in our manifesto to:

  • Continuing to fight for British National (Overseas) passport holders’ rights by closing gaps in the BNO visa scheme.

  • Extending BNO integration funding for Hong Kongers in the UK for the duration of the Parliament.

Michael Kearney (Green Party):

Thank you for alerting me to the challenges that are faced by Hong Kongers living in Britian and the difficulties and threats they face from the actions of the Chinese (and Hong Kong) government. This is an area that I have only limited knowledge about and your message has prompted me to find out a bit more.

In principle, I have no difficulty in supporting calls to tackle transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments, use sanctions against Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses, improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities, assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF - i.e. pension rights), or assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience.

At the moment, I do not know enough about international educational and research links between the UK and China and I am reluctant to sign a pledge regarding the Confucius Institutes before I fully understand the context and the implications of any such actions.

If I am elected, I would be very glad to meet with you to find out more about the concerns of the Hong Konger community in York, and to discuss these wider international policy issues.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the York Outer constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

York Central


Richard Hudson (Conservative Party):

The Conservatives have consistently stood up for the people of Hong Kong, called out violations of their rights and freedoms, and holding China to its international obligations.

I welcome that over 190,000 Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) visas have been granted, and hugely value the fantastic contribution that Hong Kongers are making to our national life.

We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK's ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference.

We have also, rightly, raised serious concerns about the new national security legislation passed under article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong earlier this year, and have been clear that this law has no effect in the UK.

The Hong Kong authorities should respect rights and freedoms, uphold Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and the rule of law, and act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations.

The Conservatives will continue to speak out when China breaches its legally binding agreements and when it breaks its promises to the people of Hong Kong.

Roger James (Independent):

It would be unfair of me to favour any specific group, but what I can say is that when I'm elected I'll meet with you and discuss any issues which you feel are unjust. It's because I have a passion for justice that I'm endeavouring to become an MP. I care for people of all ethnicities. I see us all together as one; your welfare is mine and everyone else's welfare around us.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the York Central constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Altrincham and Sale West


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): Signed


Connor Rand (Labour Party):

I believe that our next Government must repair our international relationships, fulfil our international obligations and always stand up for our fundamental values of human rights and democracy around the world. Whilst the UK visa scheme was a positive step, we must do much more to support people who have arrived from Hong Kong to the UK. If elected as the next Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West, I look forward to working with the local Hong Kong community and doing all I can to support and enhance the exceptional contribution they make to our area and to advocate for them in the next Government when decisions are made.

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party):

I am proud that Britain has been a beacon of freedom for Hong Kongers wishing to escape the repression of the PRC government in recent years. I will unequivocally and resolutely stand up for Hong Kong people in the UK, who should be free from intimidation. The UK must not tolerate infringements on our sovereignty from overseas police stations, the abuse of diplomatic missions, or other interference which seeks to repress British Citizens in their own country – that includes BNO citizens who belong here and are as British as I am.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

We must always stand up for our core values of free speech and democracy and work to protect those who have settled in the UK from repression and surveillance. Intimidation is never acceptable and I support Vote for Hong Kong’s call for a central agency to tackle transnational repression.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party):

We should not hold back or hesitate from sanctioning any individual who is involved in breaching the Sino British Joint Declaration, the Basic Law, the principle of One Country, Two Systems, or the fundamental legal rights of Hong Kong people. Britain owes a historical debt to Hong Kong on which we must not turn our backs.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

We must take action against Chinese individuals and firms who are responsible for human rights abuses and always take a bold and robust approach in defending human rights on the international stage. I support the Labour Party’s proposal for a full audit of the UK-China relationship.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 


Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Yes, I support shutting down Confucius Institutes. Campuses and particularly at risk students must be defended against foreign interferences.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

The BNO passport and the UK’s extension of residency rights to BNO holders is a legal right to reside in the UK which should be recognised by the HK authorities and under the trust deed of the MPF funds must accordingly be released. Any interference in Hong Kongers’ rights to these funds must be resisted and the UK government must take this up at the highest possible levels. If necessary, MPF investments in the UK or over which the UK has any jurisdiction should be subject to legal restriction unless and until funds are released according to Hong Kongers’ proper entitlement.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Yes, we must support Hong Kongers their pension contributions and other payments withheld from them out of spite.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

To the extent that professional qualifications are not already recognised in the UK, we must immediately pass relevant regulations and legislation to enable those who are qualified to carry out professional activities in HK, to do so in the UK. BNO citizens are British and should be treated as such – that goes for the job market as well as for legal and social/civic rights.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

A good quality, well paid job is a transformational thing. As the Party of working people, Labour has always understood that. We need significant skills reform and the creation of Skills England to help people access the job market at the right level, alongside supporting businesses through our Small Business Plan, growing our economy and making work pay.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Oliver Carroll (Conservative Party): 

The conservative party has presided over the largest ever increase in spending on our NHS – but the effect of the pandemic has left considerable demand in our health service which we have yet to properly resolve. We need to bring an end to doctors’ strikes in a responsible way, and improve access to primary care and GPs. This is why I have been campaigning for the full re-opening of Altrincham Hospital which shamefully (under Labour-led management) lies partially empty and unused despite pressures on the service. On crime, we need more visible policing – we have recruited thousands of new police officers into Greater Manchester Police, but they must have the powers they need to enforce the law without fear or favour.

Connor Rand (Labour Party):

Our NHS is broken and facing the worst crisis in its history, with record high waiting lists and low patient satisfaction. Severe staffing shortages are impacting many services and have led to Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit being unable to reopen, as well as long waiting lists at Wythenshawe and Trafford General. We need a Labour Government to save our National Health Service, with people able to get a doctors appointment or a dentist appointment when they need one, by moving to a prevention-led approach and harnessing the power of technology.

We have less police on our streets than we did 14 years ago. Labour’s pledge to recruit more neighbourhood police officers and have more visible patrolling will ensure we can crack down on crime and anti-social behaviour.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Altrincham and Sale West constituency here.

Last updated: 3/7/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Chipping Barnet


Theresa Villiers (Conservative Party):

The Conservatives have consistently stood up for the people of Hong Kong, called out violations of their rights and freedoms, and holding China to its international obligations.

We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference.

Following the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in Beijing adopting a wide-ranging National Security Law (NSL) for Hong Kong in June 2020, the UK Government assessed the legislation and found that its enactment constituted a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. China is tarnishing its international reputation and undermining Hong Kong's long-term stability. It has not only breached its international obligations to the UK under the Joint Declaration, but its promises to the people of Hong Kong under its own laws.

I welcomed the three decisive steps taken directly by the UK so far. These are extending the UK's arms embargo on mainland China to Hong Kong within 20 days of the imposition of NSL; suspending the UK's extradition treaty with Hong Kong; and introducing a new immigration path for British Nationals (Overseas) passport holders –BN(O)s. The UK has now welcomed over 190,000 Hongkongers. 

The Hong Kong authorities should respect rights and freedoms, uphold Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the rule of law, and act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations.

In Government the Conservatives have also imposed sanctions against Chinese government officials for gross human rights violations in Xinjiang. In June 2019, we also restricted the sale of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong.

Lastly I would highlight the influential report I co-authored as a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament which you can find here. This disclosed that the Chinese intelligence agencies target the UK prolifically and aggressively. The ISC called in the report for greater action to protect our national interest and our economy in the face of the security risks posed by China.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Chipping Barnet constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Solihull West and Shirley


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): Signed

Policy questionnaire

  1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): The Conservatives will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK. We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference. 

    In Government, we have raised serious concerns about the new national security legislation passed under article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong earlier this year, and have been clear that this law has no effect in the UK. 

  2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): The Conservative Government has imposed sanctions against Chinese government officials for

    gross human rights violations in Xinjiang.

    In June 2019, we restricted the sale of crowd control equipment to Hong Kong. In July 2020, we extended the UK’s arms embargo with mainland China fully to Hong Kong in response to the National Security Law.

    The Conservative Government has also applied sanctions in response to Chinese state-affiliated 2 organisations and individuals carrying out malicious cyber campaigns targeting democratic institutions and parliamentarians in the UK. We will always defend ourselves from those who seek to threaten the freedoms that underpin our values and democracy.

  3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): The Government continually updates and assesses the threats posed to our country and our values, including in higher education. We have been clear that Government funding to Confucius Institutes in the UK should be removed, but that it is currently disproportionate to ban them entirely.

    Universities have a duty to promote freedom of expression and ensure that due diligence of institutions on-site is conducted. It is crucial that this remains the case with Confucius Institutes.

    I will work with Government to ensure that the monitoring of these institutes are kept under constant review and, should it be judged that further action is needed, that it is taken robustly.

  4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): If elected as the MP for Solihull West and Shirley, I will work with the Hong Kong community in the constituency, fellow MPs, and other interested parties to lobby the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to use all powers and diplomatic relations to get the funds in question released.

  5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): As an MP, I will ensure Hong Kong immigrant are appropriately sign posted to employment services and work with Government to create job opportunities. I will also work with the local authority to ensure there are regular career fairs to provide employment opportunities.

  6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

    Neil Shastri-Hurst (Conservative Party): These are two of my key priorities if elected. As a former medical practitioner I am passionate about improving NHS provision to ensure all residents have access to high quality care. This includes working towards restoring A&E services in Solihull.

    In respect of crime and anti-social behaviour, it is incredibly important that we tackle these issues to ensure we have stronger, more cohesive communities. It is for this reason I will be opposing the closure of the local police station and fighting for more officers on the streets.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Solihull West and Shirley constituency here.

Last updated: 24/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Reading Central


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Henry Wright (Liberal Democrat): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Reading Central constituency here.

Last updated: 23/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Coventry North West


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Tom Holder (Liberal Democrat): Signed

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Coventry North West constituency here.

Last updated: 23/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Bristol Central


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Carla Denyer (Green Party): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

The Green Party supports the principle of self-determination in Hong Kong, as we believe that only Hong Kongers have the ability to decide for a more resilient and sustainable political future for Hong Kong without interference from any external political institutions.

I am also aware of how HKSAR and PRC governments use both direct and indirect measures to threaten Hong Kongers’ who choose to voice out their political concerns. It is clear that the implementation of National Security Law and the Basic Law article 23 has curtailed the rights of Hong Kongers to freely and openly express themselves both locally and in Britain. We are committed to ensuring that Hong Kongers in Britain are being protected under UK law, so that Hong Kongers can exercise their civic rights and freedoms without repression or intervention from China.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

Green Party is committed to peaceful and solution-oriented approaches against human rights breaches and international law violations. We have called for boycotts against multiple countries, including China, that have breached human rights and violated international law. Elected Green MPs will support sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

I believe that reaching the goal of cultural exchange should not justify the impairment of our freedom of speech and academic freedom. In the case where a Confucius Institute branch is found to have been penetrated by foreign government agencies or intelligence, the Greens will urge the UK government to take immediate action regarding its closure.

Elected Green MPs will support bills that defend academic freedom to ensure that students can practise their freedom of speech without fear, especially students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Uyghur from University of Bristol and University and West England (UWE) in Carla’s constituency.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

I agree that the validity of BNO (British National Overseas) passports should be recognized as a valid travel document. If Hong Kongers face problems with withdrawn applications, as part of British Nationals, the British Government should provide adequate help. Elected Green MPs will urge the government to demand that UK-headquartered MPF trustees, such as HSBC, do not deny Hong Kongers the ability to withdraw their MPF, and will fulfil such obligations through a formalised commitment to help Hong Kongers withdraw their funds successfully.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

The Green party fully welcomes Hong Kongers to integrate into UK communities. We recognize the value Hong Kongers bring to the country, and this positive impact could extend to much greater lengths if adequate support is provided.

I will coordinate with the Green-led Bristol City Council to collect data and concerns on Hong Kongers in Bristol, particularly on occupational distribution, mobility, and working conditions, to understand the challenges they face when looking for local jobs that commensurate with their previous work experience. We would focus on a communicative approach and seek solutions at both community and systemic levels.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Carla Denyer (Green Party):

The Green Party has set out their plans to increase annual expenditure by £8bn on health and social care in the first year of the next parliament, rising to a total of £28bn in 2030, plus an additional capital spend of at least £20bn over the next five years. Green MPs will push for improvement of NHS services, which includes 1) A year-on-year reduction in waiting lists, 2) Guaranteed access to an NHS dentist, 3) Guaranteed rapid access to a GP with same-day access in case of urgent need, and 4) An immediate boost to the pay of NHS staff, including the restoration of junior doctors’ pay.

Regarding crime reduction in Britain, the Green Party puts this issue at a high priority. We believe that immediate actions must be taken to address the root causes of crime, such as restoring funding withdrawn from youth services since 2010 and expanding restorative justice. It serves to give victims a voice and help offenders take responsibility for the harm they have caused, thereby reducing recidivism rates and encouraging rehabilitation.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Bristol Central constituency here.

Last updated: 26/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

West Ham and Beckton


Holly Ramsey (Conservative Party):

The Conservatives have consistently stood up for the people of Hong Kong, called out violations of their rights and freedoms, and holding China to its international obligations. I welcome that over 190,000 Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) visas have been granted, and hugely value the fantastic contribution that Hong Kongers are making to our national life. We will not tolerate transnational repression or any attempt by foreign powers to intimidate, harass or harm individuals or communities in the UK.

We have passed legislation which strengthens the UK’s ability to counter and disrupt foreign interference. We have also, rightly, raised serious concerns about the new national security legislation passed under article23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong earlier this year, and have been clear that this law has no effect in the UK. The Hong Kong authorities should respect rights and freedoms, uphold Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the rule of law, and act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations. The Conservatives will continue to speak out when China breaches its legally binding agreements and when it breaks its promises to the people of Hong Kong.

The recent pattern of behaviour directed by China against the UK, including cyberattacks, reports of espionage links and the issuing of bounties is not acceptable. The Conservative Government applied sanctions in response to Chinese state-affiliated organisations and individuals targeting malicious cyber campaigns at democratic institutions and parliamentarians in the UK.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the West Ham and Beckton constituency here.

Last updated: 16/6/2024

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Vote for Hong Kong 2024 Vote for Hong Kong 2024

Warrington South


I pledge to support Hongkongers

  • in their pursuit of freedom and democracy;

  • in their settlement and integration in the UK, including the existing BN(O) visa programme and support for Hongkonger asylum seekers facing political repression, and;

  • in the exercise of their civic rights and freedoms, free from repression, in Britain.

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat): Signed

Policy questionnaire

1. Tackling transnational repression by the Chinese and Hong Kong governments

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

I and the Liberal Democrats always uphold the right to peaceful protest and self determination. We need to ensure all those in the UK are able to democratically express their views, and where repression is taking place, need to take measures to prevent it.

2. Sanctioning Chinese and Hong Kong government officials responsible for human rights abuses

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

Subject to proper review, absolutely.

3. Shutting down Confucius Institutes in the UK

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

We need to take seriously the issues identified by bodies such as Human Rights Watch, and take appropriate action to ensure these organisations behave in line with UK standards, do not exert unreasonable influence, and where problematic, are closed down.

4. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in retrieving their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

Absolutely - this needs to be accessible in the same way as other schemes, and a BN (O) must be admissible as a travel document.

5. Assisting Hong Kong immigrants in finding jobs commensurate with their work experience

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

This makes absolute sense. We need to look at professional recognition, potentially with ‘top up’ learning, to give everyone the best opportunities.

6. Improving NHS services and reducing crimes in local communities

Graham Gowland (Liberal Democrat):

This is a key manifesto pledge. Please look at our detailed policies on the NHS and policing. I believe we offer the strongest manifesto on both healthcare and the NHS.

You can see a full list of all the candidates for the Warrington South constituency here.

Last updated: 16/6/2024

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